Foyer Familial d’Etudiants Toulouse

Maps and indications inside this page will help you to find easily the Hostel and to get to.

Maps and indications

Geographical situation

Map of France This map intends to clarify the geographical position of Toulouse on the French territory.

The river Garonne and the Canal du Midi flow across Toulouse. Its nickname of "pink town" is due to the main building material used locally: fired clay bricks.

With over 490 000 inhabitants, it is the 4th French town and the 3rd university centre afterwards Paris and Lyon, with more than 100 000 students, 8 schools of engineering and 5 high level Educational Establishments.

The research laboratories within the campus of the universities and the medical university centres show the wealth and the diversity of university life in Toulouse.

Where is the Hostel ?

See full screen

On the map a blue pin point to the hostel.
Near the Foyer Familial , three ways to reach the Universities and many other destinations:

  • The underground line B, Palais de Justice station at Grande Rue St Michel and Allées Jules Guesde junction.
  • The tramway lines T1 and T2, Palais de Justice station.
  • The bus, Jardin des Plantes stop, Allée Frédéric Mistral.

Getting around is not a problem thanks to the many connections between the underground and the buses.

Coming by train

From the station, take the underground, direction
Basso Cambo
change at Jean Jaurès take direction Ramonville and alight at the Palais de Justice stop.

Coming by car

Wherever you are coming from, the easiest way is to use
the "rocades" (bypasses) around Toulouse and come out at 24 EMPALOT TOULOUSE CENTRE (you can use the above map) :

  • Continue straight across the avenue Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny then avenue du Maréchal Juin.
  • After bridge, follow straight ST MICHEL GRAND ROND.
  • When at traffic lights, go right to Grande rue St Michel . Then turn left rue Ste Catherine (narrow street).
  • Turn right rue des Trente Six Ponts.
  • Take the 2nd street on the right rue de Puymaurin, and at last turn left rue Joly.

You are coming from Montpellier, Narbonne or Carcassonne:

Follow Le Mirail Foix Tarbes

You are coming from Auch, Mont-de Marsan, Foix, Tarbes:

Follow Montpellier

You are coming from Paris, Bordeaux, Agen, Rodez, Albi:

Follow Montpellier then Le Mirail Foix Tarbes

  • Phone : 33 6 10 99 41 91
       or 33 5 61 14 73 00
  • Fax : 33 5 61 14 73 02
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